Eid Ul-Fitr

                                           Eid Ul-Fitr

Eid ul-Fitr is a vital religious occasion celebrated by Muslims worldwide that denotes the finish of Ramadan, the Islamic sacred month of fasting . This religious Eid is the first and final day in the period of Shawwal amid which Muslims are not allowed to quick. The occasion commends the finish of the 29 or 30 long periods of first light to-nightfall fasting amid the whole month of Ramadan. The day of Eid, along these lines, falls on the main day of the period of Shawwal. The date for the beginning of any lunar Hijri month differs in light of when the new moon is located by neighborhood religious specialists, so the correct day of festivity fluctuates by territory.
Eid ul-Fitr was begun by the Islamic prophet Muhammad. It is seen on the primary day of the Islamic month of Shawwal toward the finish of the long stretch of Ramadan, amid which Muslims experience a time of fasting.

Importance and significance of Eid al-Fitr 

Eid ul-Fitr falls on the primary day of the long stretch of Shawwal, which is the main day in that month when Muslims are not allowed to quick. The primary day of the Eid month relies upon any lunar Hijri month. This event has an interesting salat, comprising of two rakats and is generally offered in a vast annoy or open field. It is to be performed just in an assemblage and has included six Takbirs (raising of the hands to the ears while saying "Allāhu Akbar" which signifies "God is the best"); three in the start of the principal raka and the staying three preceding ruku in the second raka'ah in the Hanafi school of Sunni Islam.

As per certain conventions, these celebrations were started in Medina after the relocation of Muhammad from Mecca. When the Prophet touched base in Madinah, he discovered individuals praising two particular days in which they used to engage themselves with diversion and cheerfulness. He got some information about the idea of these merriments at which they answered that nowadays were events of fun and diversion. At this, the Prophet commented that the Almighty has settled two days rather than these for you which are superior to these: 

Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha


What is the significance of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha?

There are two Eids celebrated in Islam and both follow major acts of worship.  The first is Eid ul-Fitr which follows Ramadan and the second is Eid al-Adha which follows the Hajj.  In order to understand the importance of each holiday an understanding of the act of worship that precedes it is also necessary so I will explain the importance of the worship and then the holiday that follows.

Ramadan is an entire month during which Muslims focus on purifying themselves, getting closer to God, and growing in their knowledge/faith.  During Ramadan Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset.  This fasting includes refraining from food, drink, sexual intercourse, bad language, and bad behavior.  Muslims generally read an entire chapter of the Qur'an each day (it has 30 chapters) so they read the entire book in one month.  It is often compared to being a mini boot-camp in which we arm ourselves with knowledge by reading the Qur'an and fit ourselves physically fit but modifying our diet, increasing our good deeds, and committing more and greater acts of worship.  By fasting we become more sympathetic to those less fortunate than ourselves because we feel what it is like to go without food or drink, we feel what it's like to be without.  In turn this should cause us to be more generous and seek to alleviate hunger amongst the poor.  It also helps to bring us together with family, friends, and neighbors as we break our fasts together.  It brings us closer as a community and to God by offering more worship such as taraweyah prayers .

Click here to know . Why we Celebrate Eid ?

May the day delight

and the moments measure all the special joys

for all of you to treasure.

May the year ahead
be fruitful too,
for your home and family
and especially for you.
Eid Mubarak!

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